EPP Group

Celebrate Europe Day with us in Brussels & in Strasbourg!
Celebrate Europe Day with us in Brussels & in Strasbourg! Learn about Europe, be creative and win prizes at the EPP Group Stand.
Europe Day celebrates Europe’s achievements and unity, commemorating the Schuman Declaration signing on 9 May 1950. Europe Day is also an opportunity for citizens to see the inside of the European Parliament.
Bring your friends and family and discover how the European Parliament works and what we, the EPP, as the largest and oldest Group in the European Parliament, do for you.
Members of the EPP Group in the European Parliament will be there to discuss anything you want to know about the EU and its Parliament.
Come and join us for…
- An on-site quiz to test your knowledge of the EU and win prizes
- Plenty of fun & educational activities in the Kids Zone
- The chance to enter an essay competition for undergraduates and graduates and win traineeships
- And lots more…
- We are looking forward to seeing you at our EPP Group Stand!

The European Parliament opens its doors to citizens in Brussels: On Saturday, 4 May 2024, from 10 – 18:00 hrs (last entrance: 17:30 hrs).

The European Parliament opens its doors to citizens in Strasbourg: On Saturday, 27 April 2024, from 10 – 18:00 hrs (last entrance: 17:30 hrs).
EPP Group Stand on the third floor of the SPINELLI building (close to the VoxBox)
Rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Ixelles, Belgium
EPP Group Stand in the main building on Level 1
1 All. du Printemps, 67000 Strasbourg, France